Download Google Drive Folder Mac
Google Drive is a reliable cloud storage platform from the Internet giant that offers an extensive storage space at affordable price. It is the most economical option for businesses as it doesn’t require heavy investment on their part, and the data is readily available anytime, anywhere. Businesses don’t have to set up and maintain their own servers to store data.
(Optional) Delete the Google Drive folder at /Google Drive. Note: Use caution deleting this folder, as it may contain content that has not yet been saved or synced. Drive File Stream comes packaged with Google Update (Windows) or Google Software Update (Mac) to automatically update Drive File Stream on your users’ computers. Click the Change button and select Google Drive. Mozilla Firefox. Mozilla Firefox tops the list of most secured web browser for Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, etc. It is the nearest competitor of Google Chrome. If you want to change the download location and use Google Drive as the default download folder, these following steps would be helpful.
The freeware plan offers 15 GB of storage space which can be used to store your documents, presentations, spreadsheets, forms and almost any other file type. While working on your documents, you don’t have to worry about saving changes every time. Your changes are automatically saved after a certain interval.
A major benefit of cloud hosting is that your data is readily accessible on all platforms irrespective of the operating system, browser type, and other hardware-specific configurations. You can access your files not only from your MacBook. but also from Windows PC, Laptop, Tablet, Android smartphone, iPhone and Blackberry.
You can also save your documents to Google Drive straight from your Microsoft Office for Mac Suite. If you’re using a single account for your entire family, there is a greater chance that you might run out of storage space and would need to purchase additional space.
Google Drive offers a standalone Desktop application for ease of access. Now, you can view and modify your files offline. Your files are automatically synchronized with all other devices without needing you to actually do anything.
You can use the Google Drive just like any other partition of your Solid-State Storage (SSD). A shortcut icon in your Mac’s Launcher gives easy access to create new files, view file contents, and move and copy them to another location.
Sending large files on the Internet is no more an issue. You can upload large files and share them with your family and friends with just a unique link. A unique link is a combination of characters that serves as a direct link to the file. You can also specify read/ write permissions while sharing your files.
The powerful Internet-based applications offered in Google Drive suite are a major alternative for Microsoft Office suite. Ozone 8 download mac crack. Just like any other Office program, you can use the Format Painter, Spell & Grammar Check, Commenting, Bookmarks, Hyperlinks, and Print in addition to Voice Typing feature that allows you to type text with your voice using a good-quality microphone.
Cloud enables real-time collaboration between employees. You can track changes made by your colleagues, tag them into the comments for reviewal. Moreover, you can upload your favorite fonts on Google Drive to make professional-looking, creative presentations. The widely popular Revision History feature which keeps records of each change that you made to your document, allows you to restore any document version at any time, if you wish.
With Google Drive Desktop application, Internet drop-downs don’t affect your ability to download or upload large files. This means that, even if you lose Internet connectivity while downloading a large-sized file, the download process will resume the next time you’re connected to the Internet. You can view the progress percentage, number of files processed straight within the application.
- Open up the Safari browser.
- Download Google Drive through one of the following ways:
- If you’re already signed-in, go to the Google Drive page, and click the Install Drive for your computer icon on the left side panel of your screen. In the subsequent prompt, select Install Drive for Mac.
- Alternatively, you can visit the Google Drive direct download page, and select the Download for Mac option. This does not require signing in to your account.
- You’ll be prompted to select a destination folder. Choose Desktop, and click Save.
- Once the download is completed, double-click the .dmg file installgoogledrive.dmg
- Next, drag over the Google Drive icon to your Applications folder.
- In the Applications window that opens, double-click the Google Drive icon.
- A new prompt will appear on your screen: “Google Drive is an application downloaded from the Internet. Are you sure you want to open it?”
- Click on Open.
- Log-in to your account again.
That’s it, you’ve successfully downloaded and installed Google Drive.
Should you have any queries or need further assistance, please sign in to your GSuite (Paid) account and visit Google GSuite Support page. Choose a medium of communication (Phone/ Chat/ Email).
Google provides phone and email support services in over 14 world languages. You can expect an initial response to your email within 1 working day.
Download Google Drive Folder To Ipad
- Be sure to mention the exact steps to reproduce the error.
- Provide as much as details as possible including the version/ edition of your Mac operating system.
- You may also be prompted to attach any log files, if required, depending on the complexity of the problem.
If you’re a free user, you can search for existing questions-answers or ask your queries at the official Google Drive Help Community forum. Click on Ask Now. Type your question, provide further details, and then submit your request.
With Google Drive File Stream, the contents of your Google Drive appears on your Mac like a regular drive.Unlike Google Backup & Sync (and the old Google Drive app), the files are not all copied to your computer. This saves a lot of space on your drive and almost eliminates sync errors. File Stream is only available for Google Apps G-Suite users. For regular Google accounts (Gmail), use Google Backup & Sync.
Look for Google Drive File Stream in your Mac’s top menu bar. It’s a white triangle inside a dark square. If it’s there, skip to Accessing Files below.
Configuring Google Drive File Stream the first time
Google Drive File Stream may already be installed on your computer. Click Launchpad (rocket icon) and look for Google Drive File Stream. Or click the Finder desktop, click the Go menu at the top of the screen and choose Applications. The app must include the words File Stream. If you found it, open and skip to 3 below.
- Need to download Google Drive File Stream? Click this link to sign into your Google account and download.
- Follow the steps toinstall from a disk image download. You’ll open the installer icon that looks like a package.
- Open Google Drive File Stream from the Launchpad or Applications folder (see above).
- Was a system extension blocked? Click Open Security Preferences (or click the Apple menu, choose System Preferences and Security & Privacy). Click Allow. Now restart the computer and open Google Drive File Stream from the Launchpad or Applications folder again.
- Click the Google Drive File Stream icon in the top menu bar and sign into Google Drive with your email address and password.
- Google Drive is added to the desktop. You can also add it to the dock – just drag it from the desktop to the right side of the dock near the trash.
Accessing files in your Google Drive
- Click the Google Drive icon in the menu bar, desktop or sidebar. Can’t find it? Click the Launcher (rocket icon), then open Google Drive File Stream (make sure it says File Stream). If you have trouble, see Configuring the first time above.
- Your files are inside My Drive, which is in the Google Drive icon. Copy files & folders to your Google Drive and they are uploaded. You can then delete the original copies. Create folders inside and organize just like any drive. You may also save files directly to Google Drive from any application – it’s a drive in the left side bar of open & save windows.
- Folders with a cloud icon are available as long as you’re online. Files will be automatically downloaded when you open them, and uploaded when you save.
- Need to access files when you don’t have internet? You can choose folders for offline-access. Hold the Control key and click a folder inside your Google Drive. Choose Drive File Stream and Available Offline. Any changes you (or others) make will not be updated until you’re connected to the internet again. Be selective about which files/folders you make available offline.
- Collaborate with Shared Folders. When you add items to a folder, they’re shared with other people. Be careful: removing items may delete them from other people’s computers & devices. You’ll need to sign into Google Drive on the web and add shared folders to your drive. Learn how to share folders.
- Google Drive Docs are special icons that open in a web browser so you can edit Google Docs, Sheets & Slides on the web.
Google Drive Mac App
Google Drive File Stream tips
Missing shared folders? If your Google Drive folder doesn’t show items other people have shared with you, you may need to log into Google Drive on the web and add them to your drive. See Google Drive collaboration for details.
There’s so much you can do with Google Drive. If you sometimes use Windows, install the Google Drive app on your PC. It’s also an easy way to share files between your computer, iPhone and iPad.
Open My Downloads Folder Mac
Learn more about using Google apps with a Mac.