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Quartus II Third-Party License Agreements
1. Alphanum 1.0 (libpng/zlib License)
2. AngularJS 1.0.8 (MIT License)
3. AngularJS 1.2.0 (MIT License)
4. Apache Xerces C++ 2.6 (Apache v. 2.0 license)
5. autopep8 0.9.7 (MIT License)
6. Bootstrap components for AngularJS 0.10.0 (MIT License)
7. Bootstrap components for AngularJS 0.6.0 (MIT License)
8. Bottle 0.11.6 (MIT License)
9. buddy 2.2 (BSD-style License)
10. bwidget 1.4.1 (BSD-style License)
11. Cajun 2.0.1 (3 Clause BSD License)
12. CherryPy 3.2.2 (3 Clause BSD License)
13. Cygwin 1.7.9 (GPL v. 2.0 License prior to September 13, 2001)
14. D3.js: Data-Driven Documents 2.10.3 (3 Clause BSD Licens)
15. D3.js: Data-Driven Documents 3.0.0 (3 Clause BSD Licens)
16. Django 1.6 (3 Clause BSD License)
17. Editline Library (libedit) 0:42:0 (NetBSD License)
18. Flake8 2.1.0 (MIT License)
19. GD 2.0.34 (BSD-style License)
20. Google Mock and Google Test 1.7 (BSD 3 Clause License)
21. guava-libraries 15.0 (Apache v. 2.0 License)
22. gzip 1.3.12 (GPL v. 2.0 License)
23. hamcrest 1.3 (BSD 3 Clause License)
24. HTTP-Parser 2.1 (MIT License)
25. IBM.ICU 4.4.2 (IBM ICU License and additional Third Party terms)
26. ICU 3.4 (IBM License and additional third party terms)
27. INCR TCL 3.4 (BSD-Style License)
28. jacoco 0.6.3 (Eclipse Public License v 1.0)
29. javasysmon 0.3.5 (BSD 2 Clause License)
30. jaxb-ri 2.2.7 (CDDL v. 1.1; GPL v. 2 Classpath Exception)
31. jdbc sqlite 20120209 (Apache v. 2.0 license)
32. JFreeChart 1.0.13 (LGPL v. 3 License)
33. JGoodies Binding 2.0.6 (BSD 3 Clause License)
34. jgraphx (BSD 3 Clause License)
35. JGraphX (BSD 3 Clause License)
36. jpeg 6b (Indedendent JPEG Group License)
37. jQuery 1.5.1 (MIT License)
38. jQuery 1.7.2 (MIT License)
39. jQuery 1.9.1 (MIT License)
40. jQuery UI 1.10.2 (MIT License)
41. jQuery UI Layout Plug-in 1.3.0.rc30.79 (MIT License, GPL v.3 License)
42. JRE Java SE 6 (Oracle Binary Code License)
43. LIBCURL 7.21.0 (MIT/X Derivative License)
44. Libelf 0.8.10 (LGPL v. 2.1 License)
45. Liberty Parser 2.6 (SYNOPSYS Open Source License Version 1.0)
46. libpng 1.2.18 (Libpng License)
47. lpsolve (LGPL v 2.1 License)
48. make 3.81 (GPL v. 2.0 License)
49. McCabe 0.2.1 (MIT License)
50. metis 4.0.1 (GPL v. 2.0 License)
51. MINISAT 2 2.2.0 (MIT License)
52. mongoose 3.8 (MIT License)
53. Normalize.css 2.1.3 (MIT License)
54. OpenSSL 1.0.1c (Open SSL and SSLeay Licenses)
55. Peewee 2.1.6 (MIT License)
56. pep8 1.4.6 (MIT License)
57. Perl 5.8.8 (GPL v. 1.0 or the Artistic License)
58. PicNet Table Filter (MIT License)
59. powermock 1.5 (Apache v. 2.0 license)
60. psutil 1.2.1 (3 Clause BSD License)
61. pyflakes 3.2.2 (MIT License)
62. Python 3.3.0 (PSF License for Python 3.3.0)
63. pyzeromq 14.0.0 (Modified BSD License)
64. setuptools 2.0 (PSF or ZPL License)
65. Spreadsheet::ParseExcel 0.49 (Artistic License)
66. Spreadsheet::WriteExcel 2.18 (Artistic License)
67. superlu 2.2.0 (BSD 3 Clause License)
68. systemc 2.1 (SystemC Open Source License v. 3.3)
69. TableLayout 20050920 (Clearthought Software License v 1.0)
70. Tablelist 5.5 (MIT style license)
71. TableSorter 2.7.3 (MIT License, GPL v. 3.0 Licenses)
72. tbb 4.2.2 (GPL v.2.0 License)
73. TCL-TK 8.5 (BSD-style License)
74. tcldom 3.0 (BSD Style License)
75. tcllib 1.11 (BSD 4 Clause License)
76. tclsoap 1.6.7 (MIT License)
77. tclxml 3.2 (BSD style License)
78. TinyXml 2.6.2 (zlib License)
79. tktable 5.5 (MIT-style License)
80. TLS 1.6 (BSD License)
81. Tufao 0.8 (LGPL v. 2.1 License (library) (documentation and examples under MIT License))
82. Twitter Bootstrap 2.3.1 (Apache v. 2.0 License)
83. Twitter Bootstrap 2.3.2 (Apache v. 2.0 License)
84. Twitter Bootstrap version 3.0.3 (Apache v. 2.0 License)
85. Underscore.js 1.4.4 (MIT License)
86. unzip 5.52 (BSD License)
87. unzip 6.00 (BSD Style Info-Zip License)
88. xmlgen 1.4 (Apache v. 2.0 license)
89. ZeroMQ 3.2.4 (LGPL v. 3 License)
90. ZeroMQ 4.0.3 (LGPL v. 3 License)
91. ZLIB 1.2.3 (Zlib License)
MegaCore (IP) Third-Party License Agreements
1. antlr 2.7.2 (BSD 4 Clause License)
2. appframework 1.03 (LGPL v. 2.1 License)
3. asm 3.1 (BSD 3 Clause License)
4. avi2raw 1.1 (Mozilla Public License v. 1.1)
5. beansbinding 1.2.1 (LGPL v. 2.1 License)
6. binutils 2.20 (GPL v. 2 License)
7. binutils 2.23 (GPL v. 2 License)
8. boost 1.38.0 (MIT-style License)
9. castor 1.0.3 (Apache v. 2.0 and Intalio BSD-style Licenses)
10. castor 1.2 (Apache v. 2.0 and Intalio BSD-style Licenses)
11. checkstyle 4.2 (LGPL v. 2.1 License)
12. cli 1.1 (Apache v. 2.0 License)
13. cobertura 1.8 (GPL v. 2 License)
14. commons-collection 3 (Apache v. 2.0 License)
15. commons-lang 3.1 (Apache v. 2.0 License)
16. commons-logging 1.1 (Apache v. 2.0 License)
17. docking-frames 1.1.1 (LGPL v. 2.1 License)
18. expat 2.0.1 (MIT License)
19. expat 2.1.0 (MIT License)
20. explicitlayout 3.0 (LGPL v. 2.1 License)
21. forms_rt 6.0 (Apache v. 2.0 License)
22. gcc 4.1 (GNU Free Documentation v. 1.2 GPL License)
23. gcc 4.7 (GNU Free Documentation v. 1.2 GPL License)
24. gdb 7.0 (GPL v. 2 License)
25. gdb 7.4 (GPL v. 2 License)
26. gmp 5.0.5 (LGPL v. 3 License)
27. gnu 1.2.5 (GPL v. 2 License)
28. jacl 1.3.2a (Jacl Software License)
29. jaxen 1.1.1 (BSD 3 Clause License)
30. jaxen 1.1.6 (BSD 3 Clause License)
31. jaxen 1.3 (BSD 4 Clause License)
32. JDOM 1 (BSD-style License)
33. jgraphx (BSD 3 Clause License)
34. jline 0.9.91 (BSD 3 Clause License)
35. jsap 2.0a (LGPL v. 2.1 License)
36. junit 3.8.1 (Common Public License v. 1.0)
37. junit 4.0 (Common Public License v. 1.0)
38. junit 4.1 (Common Public License v. 1.0)
39. l2fprod 7.3 (Apache v. 2.0 License)
40. libstdc v3 (GPL v. 3 License)
41. looks 2.0.1 (BSD 2 Clause License)
42. make 3.81 (GPL v. 2 License)
43. miglayout15 3.0.3 (BSD 2 Clause License)
44. mpc 1.0.1 (LGPL v. 3 License)
45. mpfr 3.1.0 (LGPL v. 3 License)
46. mpfr 3.1.1 (LGPL v. 3 License)
47. mpir 2.2.1 (LGPL v. 3 License)
48. mydoggy 1.4.2 (LGPL v. 3 License)
49. netbeans-swing-outline 6.9 (LGPL v. 2.1, GPL v. 2.0, and CDDL v. 1 Licenses plus Classpath Exception)
50. newlib 1.16 (Red Hat and BSD 3 Clause Licenses)
51. newlib 1.18 (Red Hat and BSD 3 Clause Licenses)
52. OpenCL 1.1 (MIT License)
53. quickserver 1.4.7 (LGPL v.2.1 License)
54. stlport 7.1 (Stlport License)
55. swingworker 3 (MPL v. 1.1 and LGPL v. 2.1 Licenses)
56. symphony 5.4.5 (Eclipse Public License v. 1.0)
57. systemc 2.2.0 (SystemC Open Source License v. 3.3)
58. TableLayout 20050920 (Clearthought Software License v 1.0)
59. velocity 1.4 (Apache v. 2.0 License)
60. wraplf 0.2 (Apache v. 2.0 License)
61. xalan 1.2.2 (Apache v. 2.0 License)
62. xerces 2.3.0 (Apache v. 1.1 License)
63. xmlbeans 2.2.0 (Apache v. 2.0 License)

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